Bajaj scooter update 7
The Bajaj has been left in the naughty corner for a bit after going “bang” the last time I tried to start it. I assumed the piston would have a hole in it but after opening the motor up, found it was fine. One thing I did notice was the head gasket looked a bit suss and on further googling discovered that they don’t actually need a head gasket. After reassembling the motor the first time, I had put one on as there was one included with the new gasket kit.
Talk about a trap for young players.
While the motor was apart I could see what the rattle was – the old clutch retaining basket and nut had come loose and the clutch had decided to slip the clutch plates retaining circlip off. So its probably just as well that happened while the motor wasn’t running.
Another trap for young players.
So after purchasing a new nut, basket and key, all of which which were worn, I should be able to put humpty back together. I also purchased another gasket set for a super which bizarrely didn’t come with a head gasket – go figure…
Funnily enough on reflection the kick start was playing up just before it went bang as it wasn’t engaging properly every time and seemed to be slipping.
A quick inspection of the kick start gear confirms that it isn’t as new as it once was and is quite badly worn in some places. Everything else looks OK but I guess I will find out soon enough.
I have just purchased some Vespa parts off Trade Me and hopefully the kick start gear amongst them will be in better shape and then fingers and toes crossed I can get it back together.